Sweedish Fishing

There was a man from Sweden that liked to fish.He caught a magical tuna that said it would grant any wish:All the man wanted; was a dinner fit for a king,And a woman beside him, with a voice that could...

Spell Book Bound

If witches weren't wicked, they would be wizards;Like snakes, reptiles, and lizards.There is no difference between dinosaurs,and animals that walk on all fours. If your a creature, be creative.Because nature doesn't always nurture.So if your awake today, or nocturnal.Try to...

The Silent Llama

Ah, silence at last;No more arguments, no more drama,No more headaches, no more trauma.No more questions about my Llama. Alpaca my things,I know where i'm going.My suitcase is ready,I don't care if it's snowing. I'm leaving this place.No matter the...

The Mysterious Box

There was a box that was handed to me:That had a lock and had a key.I tried to keep it secret,As secret as could be. But all the keys were taken away from me;I lost my car, a red corvette.I...

Mission Lunch: Able

We went to get groceries from the local store;But every-time we went, we always wanted more.There was eggs and cheese, And frozen things,Peanut-Butter, and onion rings. But there was one thing that was always ready:It was either that, or you...

Mary Had A Little Lambo

Mary had a little Lambo,She had a little Hamburger,She had a little Chicken Nuggets,And had a little Fish Sticks. Her car was white as snow.Now her vehicle is red again,Thanks to that killing blow.Mary had a little deer, Little bunny,Little...

Sunday Funday

There was one day of the week,That was always holy.We would play hide-and-seek,And wack-a-mole. Chips and Dip;Cookies of chocolate chip.Board games, and table tennis,Lemon drops, and trips to Venice. Swan boat rides,And water slides.Everyone loved Sunday Funday.The only problem:Today was...

The Unsinkable Happened

There was a boat with a captain,He had nothing but a dream.To set sail for the land of the free; The waves were rough,They crashed the rocks into the sea. But then one day the man had an idea:A secret...

Cirle Of Life

Nature is green,Animals are mean.Survival of the fittest,Another surely missed. Circle of life,Worm's delight.Always alert,Making dirt. For tree's to grow,Wisdom to know.Your place in this Earth,Predestined at birth.

The Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm:The Winds were Howling.The Trees were Swaying.The Oceans were Trembling.The Clouds were Raining.The Lightning was Bolting.As the Thunder was Rumbling.That was the only day,Not to go Fishing.

The Lady From Peru

There once was a lady from Peru:She always tried to stick in the house like glue.But then one day, She strayed away;And found herself in a pile of Stew.The soup was too hot! she exclaimed,And everyone knew who to blame.So...

The Man From Nantucket

There once was a man from Nantucket:He was looking for his lost bucket.He went traveling across the sea.And found a man that liked to drink tea.The tea was a little sweet, alotta sour.They argued about the recipe for hours.But then...